Near-death experiences – personal encounters with demons 3

3. Demon in the dream.

I’ve always had dreams where a demon would appear and I had to fight them with swords or words, and cast them out in the name of Jesus and they’d leave, but this time it was different. In my dream, I saw a demon coming towards me and I could not move or say anything and I had lost all my energy and felt hopeless. Normally when this happens, after some time rebuking it in the name of Jesus in my mind, my voice would finally come out and it would leave, but this time I had no strength at all. I prayed to God telling Him that I could not take it anymore, that either He teach me how live or take me away from this world, and as my strength and voice did not come, I prayed specifically for God to take me, for me to die, for Him to allow me to die in my sleep, because I could not even fight this demon and I no longer wanted to live, and that I wanted to be with Him and could not take living on Earth any longer, that it was too difficult for me. At that moment, I could feel as if I was about to die and at the same time I felt very loved by God and then suddenly I woke up with my dad kneeling beside my bed in tears praying to the Lord. When I woke up he told me not to die and that he asked God not to take me then. It was an overwhelming moment I cannot put into words.


Near-death experiences – personal encounters with demons -2

2. Black cape dementor.

On this situation I was in the front seats of the car with my dad, my mum and my sisters on the back seats. We were on a highway heading home when suddenly a demon appeared in front of me and took hold of my neck. It was squeezing my neck and it hurt a lot. This demon was flying and could passed through the car. It was very ugly, rotten, looked like a skull and had an opening where its mouth was supposed to be and through that opening it was sucking me up through my mouth. It was taking away all my strength and as it was holding my neck, I could not speak and I had a panic attack. Around the demon there was a lot of wind going around it as if it was coming out through a black hole. I could feel “wind” coming out of me. This demon started saying (through my mind I could hear it) that it knew that I wanted to die and that it was going to kill me at that moment. I told the demon (through my thoughts) that it could not kill me for my life was God’s, but that if it could kill me for it to do so when I got home, not in the car with my family. At this moment I started thinking happy thoughts, I pictured my little sisters and how much I loved them. I could not move my head or my body but I managed to look at my dad and look at the demon again and then to my dad again. At this moment my dad realised what was happening and rebuked the demon in Jesus’ name, and so the demon left. When we got home my parents prayed over me for God’s protection, and the demon did not kill me (obviously).

After some time, I found out that the demon I saw was the black cape demon, the same one that is in the Harry Potter saga called dementor. As you all may know, Harry Potter is satanic and the things that appear in the films and books are real witchcraft and demons. Interestingly enough, what Harry Potter and his friends learn how to do to make the dementors go away is think happy, innocent thoughts. (On a side note, I had not watched the film before I saw that demon.) About the HP series, do not watch them! An angel appeared to a friend of mine and told her to break the Harry Potter DVDs she had for they were product of a witch (the author). This christian friend of mine used the films to find out more about the demons on them, so even if you watch them with a good christian intention, they’re still bad! This is why I did not and will not watch the other HP films (or any other related one).

Near-death experiences – personal encounters with demons 1

These situations happened about 3 years ago, in the midst of my strong depressive years and moments. I hope they can encourage some and open the eyes of others. I sincerely do not remember the order in which they happened. In all cases, before they happened, I was feeling very suicidal.


1. Blood on the sheets.

I laid down on my bed and felt lots of difficulty in breathing. I looked around and saw a black ghost-like presence around my room. I could hear the word “suicide” being repeated very strongly, in my head and also from my surroundings. I felt very afraid and reached for my sheets that were at the end of my bed. As I was going to put them on I smelt blood and realised it was coming from my sheets. There was no blood on them but they smelt like blood all over. I began praying (in my mind, for I could not speak) and the word “suicide” became stronger. I sensed that someone close to me was going to commit suicide, so I started praying for everyone in my family, one by one. Then as the feeling didn’t leave, I started praying about some friends that I remembered. But the word “suicide” only grew stronger. Then I heard something saying “you” various times and I started crying because I was “caught” wanting to commit suicide. Then I prayed for God to help me and take those demons away, and He did. The blood smell also stopped and I could cover myself.

The next day in school I found out a boy my age had committed suicide. He was in the same class that I was a year ago, but I didn’t know him and had never seen him. His name is the same as my name (just taking the end “a” away) and he is the same age as me. That was the first time I experienced the “substitution theory”, where when a death or accident is about to happen and someone prays for it not to, it happens to someone else, normally with some “coincidences”. In this case, it was supposed to be me, but as I prayed, it was passed to someone else. I believe God allowed me to pray for my relatives and some friends so it would not be passed on to them, for a few days later, I heard my uncle was wanting to kill himself but did not.

After this happened I heard of a story in which a demon appeared when some people were crowded around a person that had died. A few people saw the demon, one of which told me the story. The demon was waiting to get that person and take him to hell. But, that person’s wife saw the demon and started shouting that it could not take him, because she wanted her husband alive. The demon then said that he had to take someone down today and that man was the one, but that if she wanted, he could leave him and take her instead. She then told him he could take him, for she didn’t want to die. That’s the theory of substitution, in practise.

Signs of God – Personal testimony

My husband and I have recently moved cities and we’re staring from “zero”. Before marrying, we were praying for God to show us where we should live. We had an option of 4 countries that are far away from each other. So, during those months of prayer, God began “deleting” some places for various reasons such as jobs, high flight prices and visas, letting us know He wanted us to live in Brazil. But, Brazil is a big country and we wanted to know specifically where we should live. I was praying for God to show my husband (then fiancee) in a vision or dream where we should live because I felt that if He showed him, my husband would feel like more like a leader and head of the family. My husband then had a vision of a map and he drew out the map and sent it to me via Skype. (We were in a long distance relationship.) I then said I had no idea where that place was, and we’d have to look for it. We just knew it was close to water, which could be a lake, river or sea. So, we went on Google Maps and started searching for a similar place. My husband then sent me a link of a place that looked exactly like the one in his vision. The map was perfectly compatible. This is how we knew where we should live.

The city God wanted us to live was one I had never heard of and knew nothing about and knew nobody. About three weeks before the wedding ceremony we were still searching for a place to stay (someone’s house) in our new-city-to-be but nobody knew someone who could help us. It was crazy when someone asked us where we were gong to live at the wedding ceremony day and before that and we said we didn’t know yet, but we knew what city it was. A friend of mine then said she knew a guy from the city we were going to live in and added that she hadn’t spoke to him in 2 years but he was very cool and she was sure he could help. I added him on Facebook but he didn’t say he’d help us then, just a few months afterwards. He said we couldn’t stay at his house and put a request on his Facebook page asking if anyone had a spare room and his friend said he did, and that God told him he was going to help someone that needed a place to stay. All was arranged to stay with this friend of a friend of a friend about 1 week before moving! (This was already after we had married, when we were staying at my parent’s house.) Needless to say, as the days went passed, people asked us about where we would live and thought we were crazy! What was interesting was that when we said we were going to live somewhere we’ve never been and don’t know anyone from there, but we were going to stay in a friend’s friend’s house, many christians said it was a bad idea, that it was dangerous and naive and so on (even when we explained the vision), but many non-christians said it was awesome, adventurous and cool.

We finally moved in November 2013 and went straight to this friend of of a friend of a friend’s house. We stayed with him for a month before renting out a little house for us. During this time we were given so many things from different people we’ve never seen before, all with different reasons… We arrived here with just some clothes and an air mattress, but God used many people and now we have lots of things. We were given a wardrobe, a bed, a stove, chairs and table. God is so good! Each of these things were given to us in a miraculous way. We even found the house we are now renting in a miraculous way too. But if I keep typing all the wonders God has done I would write too much! We had to buy some things but God helped us to buy them really cheaply out of someone else or a second hand shop.

One thing that happened that impacted me a lot was that we were out of money and we didn’t know what to do because we had to pay the rent the next day. We needed exactly 100 reais (about 43 dollars) more to pay the rent. We went to a random church on Sunday and the pastor said that we had to learn to live in dependancy of God and that He would take care of us, but we had to have faith. (The pastor was preaching to all the people there but I felt that message was specifically for us.) We then went home and I felt very loved by God and knew He was going to perform a miracle. I slept in peace. That same day a friend called my husband saying he had something to give to us and so my husband met with him the next day. That friend then said a man from his church came up to him with 100 reais and said God told him to give it to him, but it was not for him but he would know who it was for. And this friend felt it was for us. And so he gave my husband the 100 reais that came from someone else. The exact amount we needed to pay the rent that day! God is so wonderful! I felt even more loved by God and knew that He was taking care of us.

Last month, I started working in a place that was not very good, because people kept bullying me, saying bad things behind my back, cursing me and God and lots of other bad things. I was not feeling well there. Lots of questions aroused in my head like, “Why is God allowing this to happen? Am I supposed to be here in this job?” Every day I was crying a lot and it was very difficult for me. I was asking God for a sign that I should leave that place or stay there, but felt very confused as if God wasn’t talking to me. I’ve asked God for signs before, but they have never been a specific request. In other words, I’d say something like, “God, please give me sign so that I may know if I should ____.” But I’ve never said, for example, “God, give me sign so that I may know if I should ____ and may that sign be ____.” So, I’d always leave what the sign was for Him to decide and when the sign came, sometimes it could be confusing if it was actually a sign from God, or just a coincidence, or maybe my interpretation of a normal event. One morning I woke up and felt an urge to cry out to God for a specific sign, for I wasn’t coping any more. I was kneeling beside my bed about to pray when a thought came about the birds I see every day. (Every day as I went to work, lots of birds would fly over me. There was not one day they didn’t do this.) I asked God to not make the birds fly over me that day if I was supposed to quit my job. I said this with lots of faith and determination. I left my house and guess what… not a single bird flew over me! I looked up to the heavens and thanked God. That same day I asked to leave my job. This was the first time I’ve ever asked God for a specific sign and He gave it to me.

Now I’m asking God for direction as to what I’m supposed to do. I’m looking for jobs but I’m not sure if He wants me to have a job or not. These days that I’ve been jobless have been a time for me to know God more, read the Bible and pray more. It also was good to be jobless as we’ve moved house again because the other house had too many rats and was falling apart. I know God has put my husband and I in this city for a divine purpose but we still don’t know why. All we did was obey. Now we are waiting for the next step we should take. If you feel in your heart, please pray for us. We don’t know what church community we should take part in either and this can be very confusing. The church we’re currently going to now doesn’t bring peace in my heart but my husband is tired of jumping from church to church every Sunday so that’s why we stayed there. I feel we should have a church-house group and am praying for confirmation about that still.

A biblical study on zombies.

There are people who have been attacked by zombies – some are attacked in the material world (like in the Miami zombie case), but most are attacked in the spiritual level (they happen in dreams and visions). This apocalyptical plague’s tendency is to worsen.

First of all, let’s clarify that there are two types of zombies:
– The living zombie: According to voodoo (sorcery, witchcraft), their soul is taken out and they act by instinct, as happened with Nebuchadnezzar, one of Babylon’s king, when his understanding was taken away.
– The dead zombie: They are called “egun/egungun” in african rituals. They are not demons. They are dead people that are roving the earth, sucking people’s energies, in order to stay on Earth. In the Bible, we have a case in 1 Samuel 23, of the medium of Endur, where the egun came up to earth and tricked king Saul, saying it was the prophet Samuel. In Haiti voodoo rituals, people often dig up the dead to resuscitate them and pay honours to them.

Science only explains the “living zombie” case. Scientists discovered that the human mind is divided into 3 parts. Each one of them is linked with a type of human activity: Emotional, rational and instinctive.

Emotional: Limbic System – Emotion (feelings, relationship/nurturing, images and dreams, play)
Rational: Neocortex – Thought (including planning, language, logic & will, awareness)
Instinctive: Reptilian Brain – Instinct (survival, breathing/swallowing/heartbeat, startle response, having sex – reproducing, aggressiveness)

In this way, science explains that a living zombie is a person whose rational and emotional sides are taken away from them, and only her reptilian brain works, thus trying to survive with their primitive instincts. (This is why reptilians and zombies are so alike.) Science doesn’t have anything to say about the dead zombies, the ones that emerge from the abyss… but the Bible does!

We read in the book of the prophet Daniel that he predicted the resurrection of the dead, saying some people would a resurrect to life, others to shame and eternal horror. “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt/abhorrence.” Daniel 12:2 What would this “eternal horror” that the prophet Daniel is referring to? Would this be the zombies’ reality? Maybe Daniel knew more things about zombies for he lived in Babylon, where he was chief of the magicians. Daniel 5:11

In the book of Daniel, we read that the king of Babylon had his soul taken away, along with his understanding, leading him into a life of instincts, just like the animals. Daniel 5:21 And so, would Nebuchadnezzar have become a zombie?

We know that Daniel lived a vegetarian food-style and kept away from the king’s table. Daniel 1:16 But what was it that was served on that table? Maybe human meat? We have an answer for that question in Jeremiah 51:34 “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured us, he has thrown us into confusion, he has made us an empty jar. Like a serpent he has swallowed us and filled his stomach with our delicacies, and then has spewed us out.” What about the king’s wine? Well, it was probably blood, Daniel 1:8 because Babylon, in Revelation 17:6, was accused of drinking blood. And so, Daniel decided to become a vegetarian.

By the way, when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, the lions didn’t devour him because the Lord sent an angel to shut their mouths. But what types of angels were Daniel’s companions? Would they be the green angels – from the same lineage as the archangel Gabriel? We can know that by reading Daniel 10:6. I believe Daniel’s vegetarian diet also helped, because some lion tamers eat vegetables so that the lions don’t smell the meat that is embedded in the bodies of those who eat meat. Maybe Daniel becoming a vegetarian was a divine strategy to maintain him alive in Babylon. When the king of Babylon turned into a zombie, he had to submit himself to a vegetarian diet too, by eating herbs. Daniel 5:21 Would this be a way of escaping the zombies?

Zechariah 11:910 says that, in the end of the Grace period, humans would be condemned to eat each other’s meat. Revelation 9:3-6 says that when a star falls on the ground, the bottomless pit shall open and loosen the locusts rising up from depths to devour people. But they do not devour anything green. The bible says that these locusts will sting people and the torment of that sting is like that of a scorpion.

What can the sting of a scorpion do to someone? The neurotoxins produced by scorpions act by stimulating nerve endings. The body of the person who was bitten releases chemical substance mediators who bring disorder in the circulatory system. The person has convulsions, tremors and involuntary muscle contractions. This explains the powers that certain preachers that throw people on the floor have – their anointing comes from these eguns. The famous preacher Benny Hinn, for example, clearly said he will seek the anointing by praying at the tomb of Kuhlman Kathryn.

What do zombies eat first about people? Their eyes. The legends say they attack the head, eyes and devour brains. Where Sodom and Gomorrah were full of zombies? The angels who were destroying the city blinded its people and warned the family of Lot to not look back. But Lot’s wife looked and was turned into a statue of salt. Maybe the cannibal eguns entered into her when she looked. Genesis 19 (When the eguns appear in african spiritual tribal work, they can not be seen, so they cover themselves, just like in 1 Samuel 28:13-14.) Then it rained fire (meteor?) and sulfur (salt!) on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and even today there is the Dead Sea there, where those cities once were.

In the book of Jude 1:6-7 the’s an important revelation about what was happening in Sodom. They were practicing sex in the spiritual world. There are people who have out of body experiences to sexually relate with people when they are sleeping, moved by the lust of the eyes. And the person wakes up thinking it was a dream, but it was not a dream. The prostitution that the book of Revelations talks about that happens in the great city of Babylon happens in the material realm, but it progresses into the spiritual realm. The Bible says in Revelation 22:11, he that is holy, let him be more holy, and who is filthy, let him be more filthy. Therefore, there is a progression in the sinful state. If you research about the life of cannibal killers, you will see that they started with prostitution, afterwards going to the field of ideas. They began to fantasize things in their head and then do perverted sex and end up eating the flesh of the people with whom he had relations. These psychopaths passed into the spiritual field, which is infested by spiritual eguns. So they became easy prey and became zombies controlled by cannibalistic eguns.

Let’s now go to Egypt, where the babies were thrown into the river Nile, where the crocodiles were. Exodus 1:22 The crocodile was an adored animal in Egypt, and pharaoh was also called a crocodile. Did he eat the babies? Ezequiel 29:3 We can also ask other questions such as: Were the hebrews turned into zombies when they were working on those pharaonic constructions after eating human meat? When the Israelites went out of Egypt, the Lord determined that they should have a mana diet. Exodus 16:35 And on the day that they desired to eat of the Egyptian food, millions of them died in the desert. Numbers 11:34 But, what was this Egyptian food? Meat! Numbers 11:4

The Israelites coming out of Egypt is very similar to the church’s rapture. In Egypt, one of the plagues that happened was the frog plague, which also appears in the end of times in Revelation 16:13-16, where the spirits of the false prophets are compares to frogs, that come to deceive people. These prophets come to zombify the people in mass for them to fight against Christ. In Haiti they say that in the frog’s body, there is a substance that is capable of making a person dead for a few minutes, making them go into a zombie state.

The eguns appear in visions as bodies in decomposition. Jesus could’ve been seeing just that in the pharisees when He said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” Matthew 23:27 Jesus also said in another occasion,“Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead.” Matthew 8:28

The false prophets zombify people because their anointment comes from the cannibal eguns. (For example, when they say, “You have to challenge God, for He has to fulfill his Word!” or “God will exalt you!” or “God will fill your pockets up with money!”) God told us to come out of Babylon, for the time has come for Babylon to be devoured by the beast. Babylon, or Egypt, symbolise the fallen Christianity, that is modified, an adulterer and corrupted.

The fallen angels that acted in Sodom and Gomorrah are locked up, waiting for the day of the judgment to be released. This will happen in the end of the grace period. Luke 17:26-29 Jesus said the end of times will be like the days of the great flood and in Sodom and Gomorrah. What was happening during both situations? In Noah’s time, the nephilims were possessing/having sex with the human daughters. Genesis 6:4 So, in both situations, prostitution in a spiritual level was taking place.

So, how do the eguns start oppressing people? Through blasphemy, pornography, insults and offenses. The person starts hearing blasphemies against God in their head. Many curse words and obscene pictures come to mind. Revelation 13:1-6 And so, the person thinks their the one producing those things, but that’s not true. Their blasphemies against God, so these spirits start to influence the person’s thoughts, beginning a period of oppression. Then, the spirits start invading the person’s privacy when they are sleeping. The person then starts to commit sexual perversions and desire human meat. It’s a strong feeling that comes from inside of the people that are used to committing adultery in the spiritual level. Galatians 5:17

Amongst all these enigmas lies a very important enigma in Egypt that signifies the real freedom. It was the death of the lamb and its blood on the hebrew’s doors. Only by the blood of Jesus can we find true freedom!

If you have been having dreams about zombies, about having perverted sexual relations with people you don’t know, are thinking about bad things or desiring a lot of meat, I hope all this writing will open your eyes and you ask God for help.

Romans 8:8 – Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Tetrad – signs in heaven

I will try to be simple and quick in order to nudge you to research and pray about the topic. There are lots of things on the internet regarding what I’m going to write about, so I don’t believe it is necessary to expose everything here. For more information, I advise looking into Nasa’s website, listening to preachings on the subject (on Youtube, for example) and most of all reading your Bible.

There will be a tetrad starting this year (from 2014 to 2015). A tetrad is a sequence of 4 lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses can be called “blood moons” due to the colour that the moon becomes when it occurs. The dates are as follow: Passover – April, 15, 2014; Sukkot – September, 8, 2014; Passover – April 4, 2015; Sukkot – September 28, 2015.

Also, a solar eclipse will occur on Adar – March, 29, 2015 the first day of Nissan.

So, why is it important to observe this?
1. God said He puts signs in the sky. (Sun, moon and stars…) Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7
2. The blood moons these years will happen during the Lord’s feasts/jewish festivals (divine dress rehearsals) – very rare! (When a tetrad happened during the Lord’s feasts in the past, significant events occurred soon afterwards, regarding Israel.)
3. The moon and sun are significant because of the “portals” they open and close. (For example, in the changing of lunar phases, many people see stairs going upwards or downwards, sometimes with angels or demons climbing up or down them. Some people have entered these portals, knowingly or unknowingly. During eclipses, equinoxes and season changing, theses portals are very big, being of great importance to seek God during these times.)

May God forgive our blindness and ignorance, and teach us more each day. 

Eternal Ink – A poem by Craig F. Pitts

I saw this poem on this Wordpress blog and just had to share it.

I dreamed I was in heaven
Where an angel kept God‘s book.
He was writing so intently
I just had to take a look.

It was not, at first, his writing
That made me stop and think
But the fluid in the bottle
That was marked ETERNAL INK.

This ink was most amazing,
Dark black upon his blotter
But as it touched the parchment
It became as clear as water.

The angel kept on writing,
But as quickly as a wink
The words were disappearing
With that strange ETERNAL INK.

The angel took no notice,
But kept writing on and on.
He turned each page and filled it
Till all its space was gone.

I thought he wrote to no avail,
His efforts were so vain
For he wrote a thousand pages
That he’d never read again.

And as I watched and wondered that
This awesome sight was mine,
I actually saw a word stay black
As it dried upon the line.

The angel wrote and I thought I saw
A look of satisfaction.
At last he had some print to show
For all his earnest action.

A line or two dried dark and stayed
As black as black can be,
But strangely the next paragraph
Became invisible to see.

The book was getting fuller,
The angel’s records true,
But most of it was blank, with
Just a few words coming through.

I knew there was some reason,
But as hard as I could think,
I couldn’t grasp the significance

The mystery burned within me,
And I finally dared to ask
The angel to explain to me
Of his amazing task.

And what I heard was frightful
As the angel turned his head.
He looked directly at me,
And this is what he said…

I know you stand and wonder
At what my writing’s worth
But God has told me to record
The lives of those on earth.

The book that I am filling
Is an accurate account
Of every word and action
And to what they do amount.

And since you have been watching
I must tell you what is true;
The details of my journal
Are the strict accounts of YOU.

The Lord asked me to watch you
As each day you worked and played.
I saw you as you went to church,
I saw you as you prayed.

But I was told to document
Your life through all the week.
I wrote when you were proud and bold,
I wrote when you were meek.

I recorded all your attitudes
Whether they were good or bad.
I was sorry that I had to write
The things that make God sad.

So now I’ll tell the wonder
of this ETERNAL INK,
For the reason for its mystery
Should make you stop and think

This ink that God created
To help me keep my journal
Will only keep a record of
Things that are eternal.

So much of life is wasted
On things that matter not
So instead of my erasing,
Smudging ink and ugly blot

I just keep writing faithfully and
Let the ink do all the rest
For it is able to decide
What’s useless and what’s best.

And God ordained that as I write
Of all you do and say
Your deeds that count for nothing
Will just disappear away.

When books are opened someday,
As sure as heaven is true;
The Lord’s ETERNAL INK will tell
What mattered most to you.

If you just lived to please yourself
The pages will be bare,
And God will issue no reward
For you when you get there.

In fact, you’ll be embarrassed,
You will hang your head in shame
Because you did not give yourself
In love to Jesus’ Name.

Yet maybe there will be a few
Recorded lines that stayed
That showed the times you truly cared,
Sincerely loved and prayed.

But you will always wonder
As you enter heaven’s door
How much more glad you would have been
If only you’d done more.

For I record as God sees,
I don’t stop to even think
Because the truth is written

When I heard the angel’s story
I fell down and wept and cried
For as yet I still was dreaming
I hadn’t really died.

And I said: O Angel tell the Lord
That soon as I awake
I’ll live my life for Jesus
I’ll do all for His dear sake.

I’ll give in full surrender;
I’ll do all He wants me to;
I’ll turn my back on self and sin
And whatever isn’t true.

And, though the way seems long and rough
I promise to endure
I’m determined to pursue the things
That are holy, clean and pure.

With Jesus as my helper,
I will win lost souls to Thee,
For I know that they will live with Christ
For all eternity.

And that’s what really matters
When my life on earth is gone
That I will stand before the Lord
And hear Him say, well done.

For is it really worth it
As my life lies at the brink?
And I realize that God keeps books

Should all my life be focused
On things that turn to dust?
From this point on I’ll serve the Lord;
I can, I will, I must!

I will NOT send blank pages
Up to God’s majestic throne
For where that record’s going now
Is my eternal home.

I’m giving all to Jesus
I now have seen the link
For I saw an angel write my life

Wicca and Christianity


This drawing is a message from a wiccan to Christians.

I don’t know about you, but when I saw this picture, my heart ached. It saddens me on how Christians will just “go with the flow”, do what’s popular and cool, do what your family has done for generations without questioning it, practise pagan things with each other.

Please, please take time to research. To question. To pray. To read the Bible. To ask God for understanding about these things and for mercy and forgiveness. What do you think Ephesians 6:12 was about? “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” A joke? Nothing to worry about? May your spiritual eyes be open in the name of Jesus!

Let me mention just a few things that you should be aware of, in topics, so that you may know what I’m specifically talking about:

– Participating in halloween in any way – be it by pumpkin carving, trick or treating, scaring people, dressing up…
– Bringing satanic symbols into your life – on your clothes, in your house, hand signals…
– Making Christmas a pagan party – decorating Christmas trees, focusing on presents (false gratitude, consumerism)…
– Making Easter/Passover a pagan party – eating or decorating chocolate eggs, introducing bunnies…
– Liking books, films or series that glorify the occult/wicca – such as Harry Potter, Twilight, Sabrina witch, Pokemon…
– Introducing idols into your life – buying glorifying statues, making an idol of musicians and actors…
– Singing or listening to evil music – not researching about the band, singer, lyrics, meanings…
– Playing, joking about serious things – vampires, zombies, voodoo, witches…
– Having “luck charms” – symbols, animals, saints, numbers…

Etc, etc, etc… I think you get the idea. If you are a Christian, I urge you to not overlook this topic. God wants us to be always willing to sanctify ourselves and become more like Jesus. Would Jesus do, watch, listen to, participate in the things you do? Be careful, brothers and sisters! Set a good example unto others so that they may also know and fear God!

Why God designed marriage to be between a man and woman. – A different approach.

I’m not going to write here about the “normal” approach given on this theme (about it being “natural”, about God creating man and woman, about the Bible forbidding homosexuality, about being fruitful and multiplying, etc) for there are many posts saying those things. I’m going to write about something more personal and emotional that has been on my mind these past weeks, that I’ve never read anything about or heard anyone comment on. I’ll try to make it as simple as I can.

Man and woman are different. 

Men want and need more respect. (Eph. 5:25) Women want and need more love. (Eph. 5:33) Therefore, men find it easier to show respect. Women find it easier to show love. Men are more rational, logic, tough, not-touchy. Women are more emotional, sentimental, delicate, touchy. Men have a waffle mind (dividing everything in compartments). Women have a spaghetti mind (linking events together).

All these things make man and woman’s coexistence complicated. Including marriage.

Girl plus Girl and Boy plus Boy = Easy peasy.

Girls know what girls like. Boys know what boys like. I can’t help but think how much simpler and easier relationships would be if one person knew about how the other person would react to everything, know exactly what to say to the other person without hurting them, knowing what gift they’d like best… simply by using the phrase, “How would I like them to treat me?” because, in all seriousness, having a relationship with someone that is your “opposite” (man x woman) is hard. It takes a lot of effort. I know not all girls and boys are the same, but we do share the same “principles”, dreams, desires and even “love languages” a lot of the time.

Why would God want, and better yet – design – the hard way?

When we have a loving relationship with another person (especially by marrying them) we mould each other. We are like a rock full of lumps and spikes that keep hurting and bumping into each other. Man and woman have different lumps and spikes, and by coexisting, they keep pushing against each other and eventually smoothing one another, making them more perfect, making them Jesus-like by taking away their selfishness and making them humble and true. This isn’t possible in a relationship where both people are almost the same, in other words, in a woman-woman or man-man one. They wouldn’t smoothen each other out! They wouldn’t perfect one another!

To me, marriage between man and woman is a beautiful, miraculous gift from God. It’s complicated and difficult, yet joyful and wonderful. Not to mention that God designed husband and wives for different purposes (who’d have whose role in a gay relationship?) that were perfectly entitled to each one according to what they do best and who they are.

Also, keep in mind that the ultimate marriage model is of Jesus Christ and the church, which is no easy goal, but a really worthwhile one.

“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it.” (Matt. 7:13)

God designed man for woman and woman for man for a much greater purpose than the little keyhole we can look into. He knows what’s best for us. He knows what He’s doing. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder,” says Jesus. (Matt. 19:6)

PS: The “man” and “woman” descriptions I used are generalisations about how man and woman are – as God designed – none better than the other one. I know that some girls are boyish and some boys and girlish, but that’s another matter.